October 27, 2008

Happy Monday!

The weekend was great fun! I got to ride a horse for the first time ever! My horse's name was Gabriel. He was sort of silly and definitely had a personality of his own! I guess he doesn't really get along with the other horses as well as he should. My little brother of 19 was riding in front of me, and at one point Gabriel went right up to the other horse's behind. The next thing I know he chomped him right in the butt!!! Well, after that I made sure we kept our distance from the other horse! Poor guy!

The ranch had all sorts of cuteness for me to enjoy such as kittens, llamas, peacocks, baby guinea pigs, cows and a goat. The goat really freaked me out! I didn't realize that a goat's pupil was the shape of a rectangle! It looked so fake and reminded me of something out of a horror film. For some reason I can't get it out of my head. I'm sure these mysterious eyes will end up in a painting sooner or later.

Today I realized I was REALLY sick of random paintings just sitting around. I decided to hang them in my studio. I feel sort of strange hanging them since some are for sale, and some are not. Either way it looks a lot better than stacked against the wall in a pile. Hanging my "NFS" paintings in this group also enabled me to have some space for other things I've been meaning to hang.

And here ya go, the completed painting from the other day. It's new owner is very happy with it, and I'm happy she's happy! :D


  1. Hi! I instantly recognized your work! I've seen it displayed at Kairo's Coffee House. I think it's so enchanting and pretty, with a touch of moody. :) Wonderful paintings! Best of luck to you!

  2. Hi! Thank you so much! Yes, that is exactly how I hope people view my work. To show fun and beauty, but definitely let the moody parts show. :D


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