November 6, 2008

Random Acts of Color!!

Ah! I love autumn so much! As I was painting today, I looked out the window and it was like the colors jumped right off my canvas and onto the tree outside! So gorgeous! This is absolutely my favorite time of the year. This last week has been especially nice since the leaves have all changed but the weather has been a perfect 70 degrees! Why can't it stay like this forever?

Oh, and out front it's just as vibrant! Our tree has always been a late changer.

Here's the painting I finished up earlier today. It will be in my show coming up on December 4th at Kairos Coffee & Tea.

Acrylic on canvas

Have a great day!!


  1. Today was a beautiful day. We live in a really nice neighborhood up here, regardless of all the hoodlums.

  2. i love the clouds here! and it's not until you read the title do you realize what she's doing! very cool painting! :)


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