October 31, 2009

"A Place for Secrets Shared"

Hey everyone! Here's a new painting I finally finished earlier this week. I started it quite a while ago, and just piddled with it here and there. I didn't know what to name it, so I asked some friends on facebook and twitter. All though I was really tempted to do the most popular "Nuts About You", I think I'm going to go with "A Place for Secrets Shared" suggested by Bryan Collins.

acrylic on canvas

I almost forgot that it's Halloween! I really don't get into this holiday much. Don't get me wrong, I love to dress up and think of costumes, but just for random reasons. Ha! I am looking forward to next Friday though.  My band is playing the annual Halloween show here in Butler. My son's brand new band, Stone the Messenger is also playing! It's their very first show, so we're very excited. I'm still not sure what I will dress up as. I guess it all depends on what pieces of the outfit I find between now and then, and how lazy I am.

Anyway, Happy Halloween! Have an awesome weekend!