September 19, 2012

I blame Instagram.

I have so much to much going on, but I feel like I've already posted about it because of Instagram! Ever since I started using that, I feel like my blogging is futile! LOL!  So here's a recap of last week.

We moved! Well, sorta.

Travis and I went down to Virginia...
Welcome to 495 traffic.

and awaited our stuff to arrive. Wow. Exciting. Waiting for the movers to arrive.

In the meantime, we visited his new office... Travis' new office!

and shopped at Ikea.
Ikea haul.

We also walked on the Mt. Vernon bike trail.
Check it @dustincanfly #streetart #grafitti Untitled The Capitol... So far.

One day we went to Pentagon City Mall during a tornado warning. @dustincanfly don't hate.

...and laughed at Microsoft.
...the enemy. Lol!

Finally our stuff arrived and it was time to put it all together. My good little hubbie assembling my new desk. I like him a lot.

Oh! Travis started his new job...all went well. He looks dang good in a suite might I say! #businessboy

We finally got everything put together and situated.
Figuring out how it all fits is hard work! #decorating #studio #art

I got my first package! Handmade dishcloths from my wonderful sister-in-law, Crystal! She's a keeper!
Lookie what I got today! My first real mail at our new place. A present from my bestie/sister-in-law! was time to go back to Pennsylvania.
I'll be here in Butler until after Applefest in October.
It's a weird hiatus time. I guess I don't really live in either place! Ha! My bed, Keurig and hubbie are in VA. No fun. But Dustin and my puppies are here! I'll enjoy this time for sure. My last few weeks of living here with Dustin! *tear*