January 24, 2009

the sound of music...

Hi! I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! Tonight I'm going to see Dustin Kensrue at Mr. Smalls Theater in Pittsburgh. I'm so excited! Dustin is also the singer of the band Thrice. Everyone in the Furman house is a long time fan of both these projects. Maybe I can get some good pictures to share for tomorrow!

Speaking of music, my band Hand Drawn Mountains finally has an EP complete and ready to share with the world! We will be having an official CD release show sometime in March, but in the meantime I have some if anyone is interested. They are $6 for six songs. Fair trade right? :D

Remember this autumn tree I painted a few months ago? We decided to use it on the CD cover!

Have a grand weekend!


  1. That really makes a brilliant cd cover.

  2. so can i get one next weekend? i think i'm coming home for the superbowl festivities...if there even are any...haha!

  3. How cool! And I would love to get your CD. What do I need to do? :)

  4. Hope you're having a good day! :)

    I will email you tomorrow. I don't have access to my home email from work and I won't be back home until very late tonight. Looking forward to hearing your CD.

  5. I dont see your email...mine is itsmyquill@yahoo.com. :)


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