I thought it would be fun to show some of my older paintings from long before I started this blog. I in the next few weeks (or moths) I'm going write about different paintings, what inspired me to do the painting and the meaning behind it.
I thought I'd start things off with my first self portrait.
This painting is mixture of myself as a child and as an adult. My hair, and clothes are more of what I wear as an adult. I love to wear cute little dresses with puffy sleeves and pigtails have always been a favorite. The Dr. Martin boots shown I purchased when I was in tech school. I still have them and wear them on occasion. The purse I'm holding is one I had back in 2nd grade! I loved that purse so much...neon yellow! The Panda is one of my beloved stuffed animals as a child. It was a prize at a carnival of sorts. I can't remember if I was the one who won it or my dad. When I got it, the stuffing was as hard as a rock so my mom switched its innards out for something more squishy! I used to collect butterflies and moths. My parents would take me butterfly and moth catching. Moths are my absolute favorite. We would set up a lamp with a sheet behind so that the extra special silk moths would come flying by. There were HUGE and amazing! The three moths shown were just a few of my favorites, the luna moth, IO moth and the rosy maple moth. That's about it!
Well, that was fun! Any requests for the next painting to feature? You can see all my paintings on my Flickr.