February 10, 2010

Snow, Kindles, Painting and Crafty fun!

So, it's been crazy snowy around here! No school for the kids yesterday and today! Not only did I barely leave the house last weekend, but now it's been almost 48 house since I left once again! It's been nuts. Snow is piling up everywhere, which makes parking very difficult if you live down town. Don't even think about visiting me any time soon! If you actually do find a parking spot, upon returning to your car you will find that someone has let the air out of your tires! LOL. For some reason when I'm snowed in I feel like it's a mini-vacation inside your own house. This is bad. Very bad. Not only do I feel lazy and bored, but then I want to treat myself by making brownies and eating everything in sight. *sigh* I must break free!

So anyway, being trapped inside for multiple days has forced me to be semi-productive. I've just had it with doing nothing!  I've cleaned and organized my desk, got back to crocheting my blanket (yea, I work on this about once a year) and did a little reading.

I've started reading a book on Travis' Kindle which has been a pure joy! Ok, I'm a super lazy reader. I really don't like to read all that much, but I force myself to just to keep my wheels turning. Haha! As soon as I started reading with it I instantly was struck by the ease of reading and drinking tea at the same time! You can easily hold it in your left hand (and flip pages with the button on the left hand side) and drink with your right. It's also very nice to be able to simply lay the Kindle on your lap while reading...hands free! I would be fighting with a normal book the whole time! Not to mention the awesome feeling I have as if a crew member of the Star Ship Enterprise. Buahha!

Oh, and the book I'm reading is Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time by Brian Tracy. It's amazing! I mean, it really isn't saying anything I didn't already know, but it gives you practical ways to accomplish things and how to get motivated! Good stuff, I highly recommend it.

I've been working on a commission piece quite a bit...here's a in-progress sneak peak!

In other crafty brain overflow, I made a few little idea/sketch books over the weekend. I totally got the idea from a tutorial by Susie Ghahremani's of boygirlparty.com . I used an old calendar page for the covers, and random notebook paper for the insides. The only thing I did different was laminate the cover. Since I laminated the cover I didn't have to do any stitching on the sides. So fun and cute. Perfect little book to keep with you at all times!

Well, that's about it. Thanks for tuning in, and see you next time on brain overflow...here ya go!.