March 30, 2012

Friday Archive Dive

Friday Archive Dive '
Sketch: August 2008

my cup overflows
Painting: November 2008

"My Cup Overflows"
watercolor & ink

March 29, 2012

In anticipation...

Saturday I will be leaving for seven days, with a group of 15 from my church (and 35 more from Portersville Christian School) to serve in the Dominican Republic. We will be doing many different things such as medical help, dental, optical, vacation bible school and possibly painting a mural! I'm really excited about the optical part for some reason. We've been trained to figure out ones prescription, and fit them with glasses! Some of these people will be seeing with a new set of eyes for the first time in their lives. It's going to be amazing. Please if you are the praying type, keeps us in mind. To God be the glory!

Here are a few pictures taken during the trip last year.
I wasn't a part of it then, but we'll be in the same area, doing the same things.

Dominican Republic!
The town. Hato Mayor. 

Dominican Republic!
The way we will travel. 

Dominican Republic!
Our living facility.

Dominican Republic!
The scenery.

Dominican Republic!
The beautiful faces. . .

Dominican Republic! 
Dominican Republic! Dominican Republic! Dominican Republic!
The team. 
March 31st - April 7th

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!

March 27, 2012

It's the little things.

 ❤ I've been running into lots of little things that make me so happy!!!  ❤

Found this randomly in the middle of the road! 

Peel the love. 
These "cuties" have the best peel stickers!

I guess Neko is ready for bed!
Neko, made himself comfortable on my side of the bed. 

Waiting for their walk.... 
Somehow the puppies know when I'm about to take the on a walk.
Patiently waiting...or impatiently waiting. 

Waiting for Travis to mow his moms lawn. 
Love plants with pink in the leaves! 

Another pic from yesterday. Totally surreal. 
I can't believe how the trees have bloomed...two months early! 

A random sunset while driving. 

Love these trees. Wish I had one In my yard.
Birch trees. Love them!

Hope you can stop for a moment today, and find something amazing. 

March 25, 2012

Thoughts of home...this town called Butler.

This is my home. Butler, Pennsylvania. This is home.
I shot this simple picture with my iPhone while I was out for a run. I decided to run up the stairs of a nearby parking garage...and when I did, this is what I found. When I posted it to facebook, so many people were commenting, saying it was such a beautiful picture...and that it almost made Butler look "magical." It got me thinking about this place I live. A lot of people hate Butler with a passion. Everyone wants to "get out of here" as soon as they can. Don't get me wrong, I do want to live somehwere else at some point in my life for the sake of adventure and experience. In the end, Butler will always be my home. Sure, there a lot of broken people here, but won't you have that anywhere you go? Doesn't a broken town only mean that it needs you more? Doesn't it cry out for people who will make a difference?  A town will only be what YOU make of it. I could live in the biggest, most fantastic city, but still be miserable for any number of reasons. For now, I choose to love this town called Butler, and I choose to love everyone in it.

March 23, 2012

Friday Archive Dive!

Friday Archive Dive A Monstrous Passion
Sketch & Painting September 2008
"A Monstrous Passion"
Acrylic on Canvas

March 17, 2012

Friday Archive Dive - Late...

Yesterday our Mac crashed again. I had to wait all day for it to be restored.
So here's the Archive Dive a little late!
Friday Archive Dive 
February 2009

another failed attempt
"Another Failed Attempt"
Acrylic on wood
February 2009

Wow! A sketch to painting in the same month! Who knew?

March 14, 2012

Tattoo inspired by "It Just Comes Naturally"

I can't believe I forgot to post this here! 
Tattoo on Doug inspired by "It Just Comes Naturally"
"it just comes naturally"

March 13, 2012

Blog facelift...finally!!!

While Katie was here the other day doing the 50's photo shoot, I had her take a few for me! 
I am SO happy with them...she's so talented! 
Since I finally had something to work with, I thought it was time for a blog facelift. 
What do you think?

March 12, 2012

"50's" my kitchen!

Check out this adorable photoshoot that happened in my kitchen! Ashley was looking for a retro style kitchen to do her "50's desperate housewife" photoshoot in. It turned out fabulous!

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March 8, 2012

What can I say....

I'm feeling badly how I haven't been able to post much lately. I've been working so hard with several things that happen on a daily basis. It's consumed me. Daily drawings...Daily crafting/painting, Daily exercise...Daily housework...Daily dog walks...Daily work work work. It clearly has left me with now time or brainpower to post. Somehow I need to get back to it, even if it's simple. 

In the meantime, enjoy this picture of an awesome mailbox I saw. ^_^
Awesome mailbox!

March 2, 2012

Friday Archive Dive

Friday Archive Dive 
Sketch: June 2006
ACT: June 2006
they will never understand
Painting: December 2007