January 1, 2016

Decemdraw - second half roundup

Decemdraw is over. I'm very happy I did it, and at the same time I'm happy it's over. I like having daily prompts, but I think I'm ready to try and do my own for a while. I've committed to trying to sketch and/or paint 5 days a week. I won't always post them because I must just be working on a bigger project. So yea, here are the remainder of my Decemdraw sketches. Who knows, some of these may end up as paintings someday.

Blizzard - Decemdraw day #16Decemdraw day #17 Old Man Winter


UntitledDecemdraw 23 - snowflake Decemdraw Day #24 & 25Decemdraw #26 - SmoresUntitled UntitledUntitledUntitledUntitled