February 12, 2016

Daily Drawings February Part 1

I have a little sketching group on facebook called "Butler Sketch Collective." I originally created it so that a group of us could get together and do some urban sketching. We did it a few times, but me being the introvert it's been slow going. Right now we're doing a daily drawing challenge for the month of February. There's a prompt posted every day. It's fun! Here's the month so far.

daily drawing - Feb 2Picking something...like a poison apple! #dailydrawing
Daily Drawing - Feb 4Untitled
daily drawing - Feb 8Untitled
Untitleddaily drawing - Feb 11Daily Drawing

My goal this year is to sketch or paint at least five days a week. For some reason it's a big challenge! You wouldn't think so since that's part of my job! LOL. A lot of days it's just business stuff, sewing or whatever. I have to super intentional about it or I won't at all. This has been great because it keeps me on my toes. Some days I REALLY don't want to and it shows. That's all right. Some drawing is better than non at all.