January 6, 2009

It's re-entry time.

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! I know I did! I got a bunch of CDs that I've been wanting, some cute toys, books, games and finally my hubbie got me a set of aluminum hula hoops! Some of you may not know, I hula hoop and make them as well. In the last year I've accumulated quite a collection for myself, including an LED hoop I got for mothers day and a fire hoop I got in the summer. It's so fun! If you haven't tried hula hooping with a real adult size hula hoop, I highly recommend getting a hold of one to give it a try! You're in for real treat! These aluminum ones that I got are like the kind they use in the circus. They are very light. I honestly haven't been able to experiment with them much as of yet. It's so hard during the winter months!

This is my favorite hooping picture. It's from when we went to Cornerstone Festival over the summer. From left to right: me, my friends: Devin, Holly & Amber!
Photo by Phil Blair

So anyway, for the entire week after Christmas my husband and I were busy taking care of a little project that we've been putting off for over a year now. We have a massive CD collection and no where to keep them! They just don't make shelving for that many CDs! So Travis built us a grand storage unit. After he built them it was my job to paint them as quickly as possible. We only had a week off and we wanted to get the CDs organized before we ran out of time. Of course we alphabetize them, and organize individual artists by release date. HAHA! This is mostly my husbands doing. It's not my thing, but I do admit that if we didn't organize them that way it would be impossible to find anything! Anyway, here are a few pictures from our adventure.

I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things tomorrow and do a little painting. It's so hard when you get out of the normal swing of things.

Oh! I almost forgot! I got to make a nice donation to Samaritans Purse! Thank you so much everyone who bought from my Etsy shop over the holidays! You have helped change lives!


  1. I want that! I love those CD shelves. We could really use those around here. Lucky. Love the Hula Hoop pic too.


  2. Enjoyed your blog!!!!!! So much that I've awarded you the Lemonade Stand Award!!! Stop by my blog to pick it up, along with instructions


  3. Holy smokes, that's a serious music collection!


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