February 11, 2009


Hello everyone! My husband have embarked on our little journey to Myrtle Beach. We left shortly before 2:00 so we could get to Art Whino before it closed. I almost thought I was going to miss my opportunity to go because our GPS totally led us to a random dead end street! Luckily my hubbie had printed directions from googlemaps.com that were right. We finally made it and in plenty of time.

Showing at Art Whino is the art of Bryan Collins! I have just recently discovered his art, and was instantly taken by it. So amazing in every way. If you're not familiar with his stuff check out his blog here and his Etsy shop here.. I could not believe when I found out that his art was going to be at a location that I'd be able to go see!! Anyway, on with the story... Finally we got there and instantly my breath was taken away. I found myself welling up with tears again and again. Haha! I couldn't help it! The paintings are so amazing as is, but in conjunction with the titles they are deeply moving and inspirational. You know when you watch a movie that really moves you, so much that you are in another world thinking about it for a day or two? I'm afraid that's what I'm going to be going through for the next couple days! If Bryan himself reads this I hope he's not totally creeped out by it! Trust me, I'm /fairly/ normal, I just love good art.

So here's a few shots I took at Art Whino. So glad my hubbie took this small detour for me! It was so worth it!


  1. Bryan's artwork is amazing! Lucky you to have seen it in person. Have a great trip, Marcia!

  2. Wow...amazing artwork!!! Hope you have a wonderful trip! *hugs*

  3. Hope you're having a great time! Thinking of you. :)


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