April 30, 2010

sketches and a bit of encouragement to...encourage!

Recently I got an email with an idea for a new painting. The fun thing was, I had already sketched something very similar several years ago! So I decided to revise the sketch to incorporate my shadow monsters (which is exactly what the email suggested). It seems like yesterday when I did that first drawing...but then I realized it was about 6 years ago! Crazy!

Old sketch from 3/29/06

New Sketch 4/29/10

Did I ever mention how much I love random emails from people? Who doesn't!? Nothing brightens my day more then when I get a note of encouragement, compliment, or a suggestion. You know what is even better? Snail mail! Ah! A simple post card or letter. You know someone took time out of their day for you, when you get some good old fashioned mail. A goal I had t his year was to send more notes of encouragement. Sadly I have come no where near accomplishing this. *sigh* So, as a challenge to us all, lets get off our big old butts and send someone some love!

April 25, 2010

I had a blast...

I had a blast at Art All Night! I wished I could of stayed /all night/ but alas...
I'm old and live an hour away. 
Anyway, here's a few pix from the evening!
my cheese face & "carved"

Jay Dinitto and my husband, Travis

Jay and his piece "Eve's Geometry"
Jay is a freelance writer in the Pittsburgh area.
Check out his blog 'n stuff
Anyway, I thought his piece was amazing!  Indulge below...
See the rest of my photos from the night here. 
I'll definitely be participating next year. Such a great opportunity for people to share their art in the Pittsburgh area. It's free to enter, and it's free to attend. Nothing but pure awesomeness! 
I mean, even kids can enter!
Now, this was a piece I could truly appreciate. 

April 21, 2010


Well, since my actual son is 16 years old... I call my two dogs my babies.
They were being so cute today!!

And Neko's Senior Portrait:

April 18, 2010


For some reason I've had re-occurring dreams about tornado's for as long as as I can remember. As a child I was terrified every time a storm came because of the chance of a tornado appearing. Thankfully I'm not afraid of storms anymore, but I can't say I'm not afraid of tornado's! :p

Anyway... the subject was bound to come up on paper eventually.

I especially like this one. Remember those sticks with a ribbon on the end? I loved those! My sister actually bought me one this year for my birthday! 
I didn't know it was possible for a sketch to invoke so much emotion upon me. Gah!

April 16, 2010

My little surgery dog.

My little Neko had surgery today on his knee. He has this condition where he has loose knee caps. It causes his knee to pop out if joint all the time. So today they did a repair on it. I feel so badly he has to endure all of this, especially since he has no idea what's going on! The poor little guy is on so many pain meds...he's totally out of it. It's gonna be a looong 10 days until he gets the soft cast off! I'm not even sure how potty breaks are gonna work!

April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

I don't have a lot to say I guess...which explains the lack of blog posts. I've been very busy, but at the same time struggling to keep moving. Earlier this week my back decided to have one of it's flair ups which put me down for three days! I couldn't stand nor sit comfortably. After three trips to the Chiropractor I'm doing a lot better but still not 100%. I decided to go out today and get a new lamp that clips on my easel, which would enable me to adjust the height of my canvas and actually stand while painting. This is the only way I'm going to be able to paint right now. It seems to be working but it's definitely something I'm gonna have to get used to! 
Here's a little sneak peak of an "in progress" commission I have going on. 

Have a wonderful Easter! 

I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead! 
Philippians 3:10-12  (NLT)